Daily Prompts


When I see or hear the word “terrorize” what comes to mind are certain social behaviors that stem from lack of control of one’s own behavior or the thought that you have the inevitable right to behave however you please with no regard to others. Roadrage has become a very big show of lack of control and using a vehicle as a weapon of terror rather than a gun. Roadrage is not only a lack of control, it is reckless endangerment to anyone and everyone around that person, not just the person the anger is directed at. There seems to be a mindset that has become the norm for people to just take anything someone else does as a direct personal attack – being cut off because the person in front of you wasn’t paying attention, a multi-lane change because the other driver doesn’t want to take the extra steps to be safe to not miss their turn, another driver being in an unfamiliar location and trying to find their way or that driver that is so overly cautious out of fear of driving. These are things that have nothing to do with any other driver but the individual getting mad and becoming an irate driver, claiming you are teaching that person a lesson, here is some food for thought, they aren’t paying any attention to you, you are not even in their purview. Try taking a deep breath, vent to yourself but don’t think it is okay or you have the right to be reckless turning your vehicle into a weapon to teach someone else a lesson that they won’t even learn because they aren’t paying any attention to you.

Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels.com

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